Saturday, April 16, 2011

Make Money Online With Your Website

What's the most important thing to making money online?
Having a website that sells!

The biggest mistake I see online is websites that are cute or don't have a clear message (basically, they don't sell).

The only reason to have a website online is to provide ....information!

So to start your website for affiliate marketing or selling your own product, follow these 5 easy steps to getting started selling online:

1. You need hosting. Once you get advanced, you can use tons of different hosting, but what most people don't tell you and I learned from is you can have anywhere from 99 to unlimited websites on one hosting account for $8 to $10 a month. 

2. You need a website. Save yourself thousands of dollars and a lot of wasted time by using wordpress. You can install it free with any hosting account (just search your hosting help for 'how to install wordpress). You can also make a free header using Gimp's free editing software in a matter of minutes, if you are up for it, or pay someone $100 bucks to make one for you. (sites like 99designs,,

3. You need a clear message. Once you have your website up, why should someone visit your site instead of someone else's. You've got to come out and say it. So if you are about making money online, you can say 'Learn to make money online in 5 easy steps,' as your website description. Or if you are a review site, say ' In depth reviews of wordpress premium themes...' for example.

4. You need to collect emails. In online marketing, affiliate marketing, and money making, all the money is in your list. It costs a lot in time and money to get a new customer. Once you have them on your list, that's how you make money-by giving them stuff over and over. To get people on your list...

Immediately find something free to give people coming to your site. Look in the public domain (search google for stuff) for things you can give-away for free. Or, find a magazine and turn a good article into a free report. Use Aweber (most popular) or getresponse, or some form of email collection (costs are 19 bucks a month with a $1 free trial) to collect names. There is free software, but its a real pain to work with an you should focus on making money not wasting time figuring out software. 

5. Get Traffic. This is the hardest part of the whole system- getting the traffic to build your list. You have to advertise. And you do that by either getting information out free through article marketing, video marketing (youtube, vimeo), setting up free blogs and linking to your main 'money' site, or paying to advertise on other people's sites.

That's the quick and dirty 5 easy steps to making money online. Like I said before, the money is in the list and continuing to give them cool products they like.

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