Sunday, April 17, 2011

3 Things Every Affiliate Marketer Must Do To Make Money Online

Affiliate Marketers are always looking for that next big product--what is going to give them the largest returns. Especially in online marketing where a hot new product comes out every week.

But its the same old marketing principles (tried and tested) that bring in the most bucks.

Here's three things every affiliate marketer needs to know to make money online:

  1. Use 1 webpage per product- Keep your site as clear and focused as you can. Don't lump everything together to save money on hosting. In the end, you'll leave a lot of money on the table. Keep your website focused on the one product and offer reviews and testimonials so people know what the product has to offer. Make an articles page where you write about what the product can do. Make sure every page has a call to action that tells users what to do next (sign up for your email list, buy etc)
  2. Offer free, cool stuff to your readers- When you offer cool stuff, people are willing to sign up for your email list to get more. That's how you really make money online, by continually giving your email list cool stuff that helps them live better lives in some way. Once you've got them on your list, contact them twice a week with stuff you will know they like. Make sure their is a call to action so they know what to do next (buy, try, read this, etc). Just a heads up, if you use the word 'free' in your emails...spam filters just might dump you. So watch out!
  3. Send super targeted traffic to your website- Just think about your mailbox at home. When you get mail you aren't interested in, you trash it. Same way with your website or email. Make sure you write articles that specifically speak to your topic- making money online, or affiliate marketing, or the exact business you are in. Don't pay for or waste time on articles that aren't directly related to your hungry market!
Stick to these 3 points and you will do better than 99 percent of online marketers! If you are serious about making money online today, you need to follow a system. You can learn this stuff for free over the next couple years, or you can copy someone and learn it in a couple weeks. Click the headline below to copy a $10 million dollar online system.

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